ضوء القمر الفضي يجعلني استرخي وعبق الطين الزكي يحررني من الزمن لتصبح لكل لحظة قيمة كانها العمر كله
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Anonymous said…
لانه منا ونحن منه يجعلنا الطين بعبقه نشعر بالدنيا تضحك والعمر يتفتح ويحملنا معه الى عالم من السكينة والطمانينة كما تفعل ام حانية في ليلة برد قارس
Anonymous said…
عزيزي هاشم، لقد إستمتعت كثيراً بقراءة نصوصك الجميلة.أتمنى أن تتمكن من نشرها في مكان آخر. ما الذي يجعلك حالماً كأنك لستَ حيث أنتَ؟ هل يستطيع المرء بلغة حالمة أن يُعرّي قُبح الأشياء؟ أتمنى أن أقرأ لك المزيد. كامل المعالي
Most of the creativity resides in asking a new question rather than finding an answer to it. Most of our questions are lacking this creativity, for example, most of our questions have their answers ready in the FAQ list, simply because we (as a society) have the tendency to ask the same questions over and over again, in other words, we are united by our strangely ubiquitous ignorance about the same aspects of any slightly complicated brain demanding activity. Asking a question, that is related to the subject yet it's not in the FAQ list, requires some creativity. Although to ask a question is not considered any kind of real achievement but we really need to reconsider and give it some credit.
Archaeologists always measured the civilization development from the complexity of the tools used by that particular civilization. It's time to change this approach to measure the complexity of the tool purpose, instead of the complexity of the tool itself. A scalpel is a simple tool, it will not measure alone the real civilization development unless its purpose is considered as the main tool in the hand of a surgeon performing a life saving surgery.
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