
Showing posts from July, 2012

Question everything

There are two parties doubting the after-life: Those who gave up hope of coming in peace with themselves and forgive their own actual and imaginative sins, those who like to believe that there is a universal personal end for everyone, and no one will rise from the dead to testify against their twisted ways of living. The second are those who chose to question everything, and their only objective in life is to find the truth.


My typos are my signature of authenticity.

Fate, actions and beliefs

Fate, actions and beliefs Yes your actions will not change your fate but your knowledge will definitely do. there are two zones where "fate" comes to play, one is the reason-world as we know it, and the other is the tiny very personal space inside each of us, the one we call the human soul. Fate in our world follow different paths from the one in our souls,  and that tiny but deep space inside us that makes the real difference for our fate.


People with imagination are more capable to start new complicated tasks, but once they get those task up and running they become equal in performance or even less than any skilled worker.

We can do so much

We can do so little for ourselves and so much for others. We can gain so much for ourselves by doing a little and genuine effort for others.

If you would not be forgotten

"If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are rotten, either write something worth reading or do things worth the writing" Benjamin Franklin

The City Walls

Notice the strong walls of our city . . . Now examine the inner walls of our city. Examine the fine brickwork. These walls, too, surpass all others! No human being, not even a king, will ever be able to construct more impressive walls. Gilgamesh, Tablet I, 2IOO B.C.